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Can Sheet Metal be Welded?

When it comes to different welding materials of varying thickness, it can be hard to determine what approach should be used or if it can be accomplished at all. Sheet metal is a material that some may question if it can be welded due to the fact that it's incredibly thin, but by utilizing different techniques, welding sheet metal can be done. When purchasing materials from any sheet metal suppliers in Calgary, remember to tackle welding sheet metal with numerous different approaches.

Here is a guide to help you navigate how to suitably weld sheet metal using a variety of techniques.

MIG welding

Metal inert gas, or MIG, is one of the most common types of welding sheet metal. It is a perfect method for beginners as it leaves you some room for error and can be easily fixed by someone with a bit more experience. To successfully weld a piece of sheet metal using this method, use the smallest wire diameter. Smaller wires take less heat to melt, heat the metal less, and provide more control over the wire bead. Typically, as a rule of thumb, never use a metal that is thicker than the base metal.

TIG welding

Tungsten Inert Gas welding, or TIG, means working on materials consisting of a 26-gauge. TIG welding is well regarded for high precision and high-quality work, proving to be more effective on thin materials like sheet metal. Unlike MIG, it requires some expertise and practice to properly weld on thin materials. Using a pulsing technique with TIG welding gives you the ability to regulate it through the electrode's size and enables you to focus on the arc in a specific area better. TIG is usable on many materials and performs well on all, including sheet metal.

Spot welding

Spot welding has long been used for welding sheet metal since the 1930s. This technique is characterized by its combination of high-amperage circuits with intense heat. To successfully utilize this welding technique, you need to combine heat and short circuits in short intervals while squeezing pressure to the outer surfaces of the weld area and weld electrodes that will melt the spot welds into a proper fusion weld.

Techniques for sheet metal

Other techniques that can be helpful when welding sheet metal are skip welding and backing bars. Skip welding can minimize warping by making smaller joints by only focusing energy on alternate sections, which will reduce the risk of a failed joint. Backing bars are used to reduce the risk of burning the sheet metal by attaching the workpiece to some cool bars.

To properly navigate how to weld a piece of sheet metal effectively or to gather the supplies you need, ask questions to your local sheet metal suppliers in Calgary!

Your source for sheet metal in Calgary is Rosedale Sheet Metal Ltd. As your trusted Calgary sheet metal company, we carry all kinds of sheet metal, including galvanized steel, stainless steel and aluminum, among others. As a fixture of the Calgary sheet metal fabrication industry since 2002, Rosedale Sheet Metal has the experience, equipment and know-how to complete your project successfully. Contact our team today at (403) 569-0005 or email us at


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